
The sea Is truly our passion – she animates our daily business in more than one way.
Indeed, since more than 25 years, nv M. Lamberigts & A. Van Daelen is active in quite a particular niche market :
the logistics related to the world of yachting and some of the most famous ocean races.
The skippers, owners and sponsors of major racing teams are entrusting us the transportation of their sailing yachts and
their appendages.
We offer our services as a “turnkey” project: by means of our dedicated team on-site, we not only provide in the mere shipping
but also in the yacht’s preparation such as demasting, unkeeling, packing and so forth.
Whenever there is talk of the ”Route du Rhum”, the “Transat Jacques Vabre” or the “Mini Transat”, the name of our company
is most likely to be very near.